Aesthetic Meal Planner
Aesthetic Meal Planner is a straightforward, customisable, clean planner that will help you keep track of your meals.
You will find:
Pantry + Grocery List
You will find categories of all your items in your kitchen (you can add more)
You can tick items that is getting over in your pantry and buy them on your next grocery shopping
Meal Plan Schedule
You can plan your breakfast, lunch and dinner ahead
This helps you plan the items you will need to cook your meals!
This also helps you stay within the budget and plan your calorie intake!
Calorie Count Diary
I have added something for the fitness enthusiast in you!
You can brainstorm meal ideas according to the calories you plan to consume for your meals!
You can also link a recipe that inspired you on the list.
Recipe Ideas
Now you have a space where you can keep track of all the delicious recipes you found on the internet
You can add your links under several cuisines that have been categorised
Do not forget to add your own experimental recipes!
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