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Design Portfolio

Design Portfolio

A portfolio template for designers and product managers to showcase your featured projects

Get it now for$16

I wanted to build something that is already working for me, so I took inspiration from my existing portfolio and real projects I worked in the past. Use this template if you need a bit of help with getting started.

What's inside:

  • Portfolio template: Jumpstart your portfolio by duplicating and customizing this template in your Notion workspace.

  • Case study template with tips: Highlight your best work and emphasize the critical aspects of each project.

  • About me page: Tell your story, highlight your skillset, and take your visitors through your past experience.

  • Blog page + article template: Expand your online presence with a dedicated blog page. Share your thoughts, insights, and industry expertise with your audience.

  • FAQ + Contact links: Answer the most frequent questions, and make it easy for your audience to get in touch with you.

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