Home renovation/Moving planner
Simplify the complex hassles of Home renovation/Moving to a Notion template
Home renovation can be costly, time-consuming and a Hellish task.
Having a huge list of things to do just before moving day can be stressful and frustrating, especially when the mover’s truck is at your door honking.
You can feel the pain only when you get the first invoice from the tradesman and you need to pay him way over the budget.
Let's think about the next time you are renovating home. Is it a quick fix or an expensive project? No matter what it takes, a few weeks of your time or money for materials and an army of friends & family to help you out.
As home renovation plans must be done smoothly without many delays and possible loss of monetary investment
Why not delegate all this hassle to Template? Keep control of your project by staying in touch with everything that goes on at the site, seeing at a glance to know exactly what's wrong and still keeping an eye on the budget.
This template will do all the heavy lifting for you :
Easy to make blueprint for the entire project to jot down ideas and estimate cost with progress bars for each project
Visual overview to Sort individual tasks by each project categories
All moving item checklist to never leave your wife’s favourite crockery behind
A database to record your tradesmen contacts and comment on their smart or sloppy work.
A Magical calculator to balance the project and to find out if you went over or in budget.
A timeline algorithm to cover all the task done in the parent property which adds to the total progress percentage leading up to the final day of the move.
Easy to use setup with a start guide included in the template
And 46 readymade essential Item checklist tags, In-built count-down for the move and a Paid checkbox with dates.
Save 2000+ hours, mental energy (lots of) and thousands(if not more) of your hard-earned money with 1 Template.