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Notion Real Estate Template

Notion Real Estate Template

Manage all your properties in Notion

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Stop wasting time juggling tools.
Start investing like a pro, in Notion.

The Real Estate Hub Notion Template is an all-encompassing and powerful tool that has been meticulously crafted to assist real estate professionals in effectively managing their daily tasks, properties & finances.

This innovative template features 15+ distinct databases & templates, each of which is expertly tailored to address a specific aspect of the real estate industry, providing you with the confidence you need to excel in your role.


  • Properties: Manage all of your properties, keep track of every bit of information related to them, and have a place to store your future purchases. Includes four views: "All", "Per Status", "Per Localization", and "Wishlist".

  • Contacts: This is basically your CRM for tenants, contractors, utilities, and others. Each contact can be associated with one or multiple properties.

  • Tasks: Linked to the Projects database, this is your go-to place for any real estate-related actions. You can assign team members, see which tasks are late, and follow the progress. Includes multiple views: Kanban, Calendar, Per Owners, and Late Tasks.

  • Projects: Linked to the Tasks database, this is the place where you keep track of all current, future, and past projects. For each project, you have access to the list of associated tasks (automatically done using self-referential filtering).

  • Finances: Composed of four databases, this is your central hub for everything money-related. You can add your expenses and income on the go, and it will automatically calculate your monthly and yearly balance. There are buttons for recurring items such as rents, loans, and subscriptions.

  • Investments: For each of your properties, you can calculate your investment returns. It's linked to your expenses and income databases, but you can also manually add amounts if necessary. You'll see your total balance for each property: how much you made on each of them or how much still needs to come in for you to be profitable.

  • Documents: Store all of your important documents, such as buyer's agent agreements, purchase agreements, addenda amendments and riders, seller disclosures, home inspection reports, closing disclosures, title insurance policies, property deeds, and more!

  • Tax Rates: This database contains all tax rates per US state. You can add your own rates if you don't live in the US. It's basically a simulator of estimated property tax that you can use to make your calculations.

  • Resources: Store all of your real estate-related resources in this well-designed database. Resources can include anything you want, but the main ones are books, articles, videos, documentaries, movies, templates, etc. You can also automate the process using Notion's Web Clipper.

The template has been built using Josh Redd's Perspectives Method, which enables super easy navigation within the template and makes adding new pages a child's play. If there's stuff you'd like to automate, feel free to shoot me an email at hello@templates4notion.com.

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