Student Life OS

Student Life OS

Organize Your Academic Tasks with Student Life OS! A digital student planner to efficiently capture your academic tasks and notes. In addition, with the spaced review and task countdown, you will never forget your notes nor due dates.

Get it now for $5

Access an efficient student planning system that efficiently captures your notes, assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams.

Beyond capturing, Student Life OS incorporates a spaced review system, allowing you to maximize your memory, and task countdowns, so you'll never forget your upcoming due dates.


  • Home dashboard with multiple views of your:

    • Upcoming tasks

    • Automatically changing schedule with events from each day of the week

    • Course

    • Recent notes

  • Quick capture system to track:

    • New notes

    • New assignments

    • New project

    • New quiz

    • New exam

  • Task management bar to visualize:

    • All tasks

    • Completed tasks

    • Fixed weekly schedule

  • Studies bar to visualize:

    • All notes

    • All courses taken

    • Spaced review

    • Final exam grade calculator

  • Quick links to access your most used websites.

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