Travel Planner
Want to travel smarter and feel fulfilled after each journey? Then this template is for you: Create detailed itineraries, track visited countries, prepare packing list and set budget for your trips
Want to travel smarter and feel fulfilled after each journey? Then this template is for you: Create detailed itineraries, track visited countries, prepare packing list and set budget for your trips
What to expect:
πΊοΈ Trip Planning Made Easy:
Create detailed itineraries with dates, activities, and notes.
Customize your trips to fit your unique travel style.
π Explore:
Track the number of countries and cities you've visited this year and in total.
π Bucket List:
Create a personalized bucket list of destinations and experiences.
𧳠Packing List:
Check off items as you pack and stay organised for every adventure.
π Live Notes for Must-See Spots:
Create notes for each city you plan to visit.
π Yearly Travel Overview:
Get an at-a-glance view of your year in travel.
π° Budget planner:
Set your budget and plan your itinerary accordingly