Notion Time Boxing Planner
Time Boxing Planner Template is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to make the most of their time.
Notion Time Boxing Planner
Are you looking for a way to efficiently manage your time? Then Time Boxing Planner Template is the perfect solution for you!
This template is designed to help you plan and organize your tasks, so you can make the most of your time.
What is Time Boxing?
The Harvard Time Boxing Technique is a great way for busy people to stay organized and productive. This method helps you break down your tasks and goals into smaller, manageable chunks, allowing you to focus on one task at a time and get it done in a timely manner.
What is included in the template?
✅ Theme Variants - Get the Planner template into two beautiful themes - Aesthetic Themed Time Box and Minimal Themed Time Box.
✅ Today's Time Box: Plan your day better and stay organized with a beautiful time box divided into hourly time blocks.
✅ Prioritize Tasks: Use the 3 Must Do Tasks section to prioritize tasks essential to your goal and keep the clutter away.
✅ Secondary Tasks: Use this section to list 3 tasks that you can work on after the Must Do Tasks are completed.
✅ Brain Dump: Use this scribble pad to note down all your thoughts, quick notes, and small tasks that pop into your head throughout the day.
✅ Task of the Hour: Every hour this section will be updated and highlight the task you need to focus on and complete in that hour.
Time Boxing Planner Template is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to make the most of their time.
Try it today and take control of your time.