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Notion Time Tracker

Notion Time Tracker

What gets measured gets improved

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This is not a disposable template.
This is an integrated, everlasting system.

We designed a system that allows you to track every minute of your time & display the results in an elegant Notion dashboard. After building the Google Calendar to Notion 2-way sync automation, you'll be able to see the exact repartition of your time between Work, Life, Relationships & Sleep (categories can be added & modified).

On top of that, you also have the possibility of tracking habits, behaviors, & scoring all aspects of your life.

Finally, this has been built to last as many years as you wish. Everything is automated so you won't need to rebuild a system every year.

Main Features

  • 2-way sync automation between Google Calendar & Notion (Instructions)

    • Get all your Google Calendar events into Notion

    • Push events from Notion to Google Calendar

    • Update events & automatic sync

  • Automatic time tracking & repartition system

  • Habits, Mood, & Sleeping scoring system

This system has been designed to last.

You won't need a new one next month or next year.

Once it's set up, it's your system for life.

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